Examples of Rachael Prime’s previous work in support of her Developing Your Creative Practice bid.
Voicing Silence: Paper Sculpture. - Due to be exhibited at various festival including Wigan Lightnight.

Bleach Packers: Artist Costume. - Lead Artist Lou Chapelle
Further information http://www.louchapelle.com/work/the-bleach-packers/

Female Voices - Lead Hazlehurst Studios
Further information: https://www.hazlehurststudios.co.uk/post/female-voices

Draw on Norton - Lead Hazlehurst Studios and Norton Priory
Further Information: https://www.rachaelprimeart.com/blog/categories/draw-on-norton

Draw on Halton - Lead Hazlehurst Studios
Further Information: https://www.rachaelprimeart.com/blog/categories/draw-on-halton
