A lot of my work is inspired by narratives and how stories can be represented visually, both multiple images and as a single piece of work. I’ve been exploring ways to create single image narrative pieces based around Greek myths through my cyanotype series I have been created based upon the life of Daedalu, the master craftsman. After this project I wondered if I could use this process to document everyday narratives in my life, drawing on potentially mundane elements to create an illustration to represent a walk or personal event.
This piece is my first attempt at this process for an “everyday event” and the style is a little different to what I usually produce. The inspiration was the New Year day walk I took with my mum of the 1st January, the paths were covered in ice and took us a while to safely navigate the park, we ended it with an outside cup of tea. I was so cold after this walk I only warmed up again once I got into bed. Was completely worth it though to catch up with mum!
I wanted to develop my digital drawing and feel this is a good starting point for me, i hope to create more pieces based upon small events in my life and see where the work develops into.
